“Navigating the complex interplay : Comparing and contrasting Body Dysmorphic Disorders and Eating Disorders”

FRIDAY 02/21/2025: 1:40 PM – 2:40 PM

TOPIC: Body ImageCE/CME:

Brief Session Overview

Diagnosis of Body dysmorphic disorders and Eating Disorders usually is clear -cut but not always . if a person s appearance concerns do not qualify for a diagnosis of a an eating disorders ,yet they are preoccupied with being overweight when they eventually are not. It can be challenging to determine whether an Eating Disorders or BDDis the more fitting diagnosis.Through out our clinical experience we had some struggles to have the correct diagnosis. In our workshop , we are going to identify the exact relationship between the BDD and EDs ,focusing on the overlapping features as distorted body image , poor interoceptive awareness , abnormal visual processing moreover the visual selective attention deficit.

Learning Objectives

-Clarifying what is meant by Body dysmorphic Disorder which was previously known as dysmorphophobia , it was classified as a somatoform disorder in the Fourth edition of the diagnostic and statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
-Understanding the diagnostic criteria for Feeding and Eating Disorders and body dysmorphic disorder according to DSM-5 .
– Overviewing the overlap between Eating Disorders and BDD, identifying the major similarities including the high value being placed on apperance , body image, obsessive thoughts , compulsive behaviors ,also they share the negative emotions as shame , Disgust and anger.

– Shedding light on the abnormalities in brain functioning and cognitive distortions which occur in Anorexia Nervosa and BDD ,both disorders share an information processing bias toward more detailed visual information rather than viewing images globally
— Enumerating the personality characteristics of people with Eds and BDD overlap as well. Both have low self -Esteem and high levels of introversion, rejection sensitivity , neuroticism , perfectionism , obsessive compulsiveness and social anexiety.

Differentiating between BDD abd Eds ,Individuals with dysmorphia experience more functional impairment in their daily livings than those with Eds.
– Elaborating the comorbidity between EDS , BDD and other mental disorders as OCD and Depression . Research reveal that BDD have higher rate of suicidality, including suicidal ideation and suicide attempts and more severe levels of depression
– Understanding the treatment plan for BDD and Eds , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for treating BDD, along with selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors. Psychotherapy involves modification of intrusive thoughts and beliefs about physical appearance (cognitions) and elimination of problematic body image behaviors..
-Focusing on cognitive restructuring , exposure and response prevention will improve the body dissatisfaction, distress and avoidant behaviors in clients with BDD. 

Full Session Abstract

The human relationship with body image is intricate and multifaceted, often impacting mental well-being in profound ways. Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) and eating disorders are two distinct yet interrelated conditions that frequently coexist, creating a complex challenge for individuals’ physical and mental health.Eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorder are both severe body image disorders that have high morbidity and mortality rates, so many therapists and clinicians have questions about the similarities and differences between eating disorders and body dysmorphia therefore differentiating between them is crucial for effective diagnosis and treatment. Up to 32% of BDD clients have comorbid Eating disorders, and on the other hand 25-39% of those with Anorexia Nervosa are diagnosed with comorbid BDD. Both EDs and BDD have similarities on clinical and psychological measures such as negative body image , dissatisfaction with one s weight and shape, both disorders perform checking behavior as excessive mirror gazing , and also seeking reassurance from friends and family about how they look( reassurance seeking).
One of the interesting overlapping feature between Anorexia Nervosa and and people with body dysmorphic disorders is the similarity in personality traits and the presence of alexithymia and interception , as both chair the same personality trait as introversion, rejection sensitivity and obsessive compulsiveness traits . There are many difference in the diagnosis and treatment plan between EDs and BDD like the high rate of suicidality, the over focus on perceived defects in specific parts of one s body also engaging in repetitive behaviors such as seeking cosmetic procedures which is always seen in BDD and not in EDs.
As regard the treatment plan , Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) along with SSRs can be effective in treating BDD which is not the same for Eating disorders while for Anorexia Nervosa, weight restoration is often a critical first goal beside that , psychotherapy approaches like family – based treatment for adolescents while interpersonal psychotherapy and CBT have been effective for treating Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorders.
In our symposium, we will delve into the comorbidity of Body Dysmorphic Disorder and eating disorders, hoping to shed light on the connections, implications, and approaches to treatment. 


Moody,T D., Morfini, F., 2021
Brain activation and connectivity in anorexia nervosa and body dysmorphic disorders when viewing bodies
Brain imaging and Behavior

Cassin ,S.E. Ranson, K.m..2020
Personality and eating Disorders : A decade in review
Clinical psychology review

Krebs ,G., Fernandez De La Cruz, 2022
The association between body dysmorphic symptoms and suicide among adolescents.
Psychological Medicine


Body Image

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