We are half-way through the year so there’s no better time than now to re-assess how far you’ve come with manifesting the vision you had for this year! Maybe you’ve been saying you’re going to get serious about making a vision board but haven’t found the time. Maybe you’ve made the vision board or written your vision down but have been on the struggle bus with making moves towards it. Or maybe you’ve been fully embracing your vision and living your best life but now are asking yourself, “Okay, what’s next”?

Let’s get energized to finish out this year strong! It’s not too late to create or re-create your vision board and have an interactive discussion about progress and barriers to making your vision become a reality this year. Feel free to join us for one or both days of this 2-day workshop series.

On day 1 you will be able to engage in an interactive exploration of your values and learn the importance of incorporating them into your vision board. Feel free to have supplies ready or engage in creating an electronic version. A downloadable template will be provided for those completing their vision boards virtually on the day of the workshop!

On day 2 be prepared to engage in a mid-year check-in of the progress you’ve made towards your vision this year. Interactive discussion and an opportunity to connect with like minded individuals will be a highlight.

Set your sights on joining in and doing something your future self will be grateful for!


This workshop, is inspired by ACT therapy practices and is facilitated by Kena Watson, LPA, Master’s level Psychologist and Owner of Still Frames Therapy and Wellness, PLLC. For more information please check out stillframeswellness.com and IG: @still_frames_wellness

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