Star Spangled Self

(sung to the tune of Star Spangled Banner, original song written by John Stafford Smith; original poem by Francis Scott Key, modified poem by Sandra Wartski, Psy.D., CEDS)


Oh, say, can you see, by the mirror’s first light,

How so proudly I stand, with my smile so gleaming?

Whose broad strength and power, with my fantastic might,

O’er the hurdles I climb, which at first were hard seeming?

And of the body I have, I will take real good care

And give proof to myself, that true value is there.

O say, does my star-spangled self yet wave

For the sake of all of me, and the good life I crave!



Sandra Wartski, Psy.D., CEDS is a licensed psychologist who has been working with Eating Disorders over the past 25 years.  She works as an outpatient therapist at Silber Psychological Services in Raleigh, NC.   She enjoys providing presentations and writing articles on a variety of mental health topics, particularly ED-related subject matterSend comments to


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