2021/2022 Imagine Me Beyond What You See Exhibition

Herron School of Art + Design @Basile Gallery – Eskenazi Hall – IUPUI

November 3, 2021 – January 27, 2022

“What I thought was so cool about this process was that they recognized that the mannequins were these curated bodies, so they switch body parts to highlight the idea that all parts are different and playing with gender non-conforming bodies. It was so awesome to witness.”  —Eileen Misluk, Organizer and Runner-Up 2018 iaedp™ Imagine Me Beyond What You See Mannequin Art Competition

Eileen Misluk, LPC, ATR-BC, LMHC, CEDCAT, was able to organize and get funding for a Reimagine Workshop with Keynote featuring iaedp™’s Imagine Me Beyond What You See Mannequin process. Dr. Anne Kubal of Heartland iaedp Chapter spoke to 29 attendees. 12 attendees successfully made 4 mannequins seen in photo! These 4 mannequins are the Imagine Me Beyond What You See Exhibition.

Want to see the developing mannequins? Visit this link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/cFy1sXkUcwFeP9Jx8

2021 Reimagine Mannequin Abstracts

Title: Girl Meets World

Artists: Anna Butler, Hannah Krodel, and Courtney Richardson

Our mannequin represents the duality of natural versus societally imposed beauty, and the loss of self experienced in adolescence as we change to confirm to societal standard. The pressure of perfection crushes the freedom of natural imperfects.

Title: Glendora

Artists: Arrgus Tucci and Sydney Rucker

“Glendora, what did they do to you?” is a line of Perry Como’s 1956 rendition of the song Glendora. In this piece, we represent Glendora’s true form. The authentic ownership of one’s body, scars, unique attributes, and confidence.

Bodies are not perfect. However standards of beauty informed by media and society pressure us to pursue standards that are not real or attainable. In this piece, Glendora has owned their true form through transformation. Thei armor blends nature and elements of industry. Glendora also claims their wounds and scars to incorporate theminto their armor.

As you take in our piece, please engage from multiple vantage points. To make the mannequin, we combined parts of masculine and feminine mannequins. Witness Glendora tear through the vines as they move from one land to the next.

Questions from Sydney: What is your armor? When do you wear it?

Message from Arrgus: Pirates are cool. Glendora may be a pirate read to take what they want to take.

Title: K.A.M.E.K

Artists: Keaton Evans-Black, Aspen Grieshaber, Maria Malandrakis Demko, Evan Liang, Kaylin Cook

The group that designed this demonstration focused on trusting their emotions. The creative process began through highlighting patterns throughout their lives. Conversations continued through being perfectly imperfect, rediscovering their passions, and taking up the space we all deserve, leading to feel the emotions they are meant to feel. The hope shines through pockets of color on this display, radiating towards the dark parts they felt. Scattered through the body as we may feel strong in our spines, love in our stomachs, empowerment in our arms, or natural on in legs. Just as the color spreads, the gray intoxication does the same. Negative thoughts spread through the display, trying to infest the warmth we may feel, and fueled by the external sources of society. The incorporation of Earth elements tells them, and you, to trust the process, knowing it is natural. Let the moss ground you to give you the strength to work grow the dark emotions. As you look to the head, the three senses let in/out bliss, agony, confidence, envy, and more. Pain is as natural as the rain, as are the ever-blooming flowers. Find the balance and strength to grow through that process.

Title: The Reclaimer

Artists: Taylor McLane, Katie Slabach, & Katy Wagner

Distorted body image can alienate all aspects of the self and create disconnect between the mind and body. Being open about a perceived lack of control leads to a state of vulnerability and sets the stage for change. As modeled by the natural world around us, every moment is a new opportunity to experience growth and reclaim what is truly ours.

Reclaim body, reclaim mind, reclaim Self.

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