“Taking the mask off”: Building awareness and cultural competence of Black woman’s experience in eating disorder treatment

Historically Black women are more likely to be diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder (BED) than any other eating disorder. BED is typically treated within the residential or outpatient levels of care. With this in mind it is imperative for eating disorder professionals to be aware of the subtle differences in experiences that Black women may have as patients in eating disorder facilities in order to create a safe space for them as they are in the recovery process. This training will focus on concepts regarding cultural identity and acculturation, stereotype threat and culture-specific body image and social support concerns. Lastly, this training will examine the importance of taking a non-color-blind approach to the body positivity movement.

Participants will:
1. Learn how social support and cultural identity shapes the Black woman’s experience in an eating disorder treatment center
2. Learn about the subtle nuances of working with Black women and body image concerns
3. Critically look at the body positivity movement with regards to how it applies to the Black community

For more information and Registration : https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pdu2rqjIoHdINa4ll3REe0aOKUgQuobC4

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