iaedp™ International Chapter
We are looking forward to energizing and engaging our international eating disorders community while focusing our efforts on providing professional training, increasing membership and building collaboration.
We would like to personally invite you to become a Member of iaedp™ by joining our International Chapter. We provide ongoing educational opportunities, in various languages, including professional trainings, both virtual and on-site.
We would also like to encourage you to visit our various pages for resources, events and to get to know more about our global collective of professional eating disorders experts.

The mission of the iaedp™ International Chapter, like our US Chapters, is dedicated to promote a high level of professionalism among practitioners who treat those suffering from eating disorders by promoting ethical and professional standards, offering education and training in the field, certifying those who have met prescribed requirements, promoting public and professional awareness of eating disorders and assisting in prevention efforts.
Since the inception of the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals, Foundation, Inc. (iaedp™) our mission and goals have been mindful of attracting and serving professionals from around the world. In October 2008, the International Relations Committee (IRC) was established to achieve our goals in serving the International Community by building an international presence, conducting online webinar trainings and building collaborative efforts between eating disorder professionals worldwide.
Some of our founding International Relations Committee members and experts included its Chairperson Eva Maria Trujillo Chi Vacuan, MD, CEDS, FAED, FAAP, F.iaedp, Ovidio Bermudez, MD, FAAP, FSAHM, FAED, F.iaedp, CEDS, Nancy Anderson Dolan/Canada, Rebecca Hernandez, BSc Nutrition/Costa Rica, Claralicia Martinez/San Salvador, Christina Santini, Divya Kakaiya, Anna Scelzo, MD/Italy, Caryl James-Bateman, PhD/Jamaica, Suzanne Ricklin, Jan Sherbak, Dr. Anita Johnston, James “Buck” Runyan, MS, LMFT, LPC CEDS, F.iaedp, Emmett Bishop, Jr., MD, CEDS, FAED, F.iaedp and Rosanna Mauro, MS, RD/Costa Rica.
In 2014, the International Relations Committee (IRC) evolved into the International Chapter, under the leadership of Juana Poulisis, MD of Argentina, and continued its collaborative efforts of outreach, training and membership development supported by its global leadership.
In 2018, the iaedp™ International Chapter was reorganized under the leadership of Rosanna Mauro de Maya, MS, RD with iaedp™ Director of International Affairs Blanche Williams, MS, supported by the iaedp™ International Board Advisory Committee (IBAC) led by Chairperson Emmett Bishop, Jr., MD, CEDS, FAED, F.iaedp with S. Roy Erlichman, PhD, CAP, CEDS, F.iaedp, Carolina Gaviria, LMHC, NCC, CEDS and Ovidio Bermudez, MD, FAAP, FSAHM, FAED, F.iaedp, CEDS.
iaedp™ International Chapter President Rosanna Mauro de Maya MS, RD, CEDRD-S, NBC-HWC from Costa Rica is joined by 14 Chairpersons representing 11 countries:
Chair of Argentina: Juana Poulisis, MD
Chair of Bulgaria: Elisaveta V. Pavlova, PhD, CEDS
Chair of Canada: Andrew Sofin ,MA, TCF, RP, RMFT
Co-Chairs of China: Li Xueni, MD and Lin Zhang, MS, RDN, CNSC, CEDS
Co-Chairs of Dominican Republic: Zuleika Morillo, MD and Aridia Vasquez, MD, RD
Chair of El Salvador: Gloria Dada Sánchez, PhD, MA, MS, C-DBT
Chair of Egypt: Heba Essawy, MD, CEDS
Chair of Ireland: Zuzanna Gajowiec, CEDS-C
Chair of Kenya: Mary Mbulwa Mnjama- Musau, MA
Chair of Mexico: Julieta Vélez-Belmonte, PsyD, CEDS
Co-Chairs of Spain: Beatriz Verdi and Naiara Aizpurua
Designated Educational Affiliates
Elisaveta V. Pavlova, PhD, CEDS and her organization UNICAL Association are a Designated Educational Affiliate for iaedp™ to assist individuals in Bulgaria in attaining the status of Associate Designee, iaedp™ Institute on Eating Disorders (ADII).
Heba Essawy, MD, CEDS and her organization, First Egyptian Association for Eating Disorders, are a Designated Educational Affiliate for iaedp™ to assist individuals in Egypt in attaining the status of Associate Designee, iaedp™ Institute on Eating Disorders (ADII).
Mary Mbulwa Mnjama- Musau, MA, and her facility TEULE house – An Emotional Wellness & Eating Disorder halfway/transitional house for teenage girls and women, are a Designated Educational Affiliate for iaedp™ to assist individuals in Kenya and other parts of eastern and southern regions of Africa, in attaining the status of Associate Designee, iaedp™ Institute on Eating Disorders (ADII).
Any questions, please email InternationalAffairs@iaedpfoundation.com