Beth Harrell MS, RD, LD, CEDRD-S

Beth is a collaborative and weight-inclusive nutrition professional who has worked with eating disorders, disordered eating, and chronic dieting for nearly 30 years; this work spans all levels of care and treating the full spectrum of diagnoses and ages. She is a Certified Eating Disorders Registered Dietitian-Supervisor (CEDRD-S), immediate past Director of Certification Services for iaedp™, and runs a private practice. Beth is an invited hub expert for the Show-Me Eating Disorders ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes), a Board member for the Body Balance Coalition in Kansas City, an active member of the Missouri Eating Disorders Council and IFEDD (International Federation of Eating Disorders Dietitians), a recognized outstanding member of the Kansas City Dietetic Association, and previous Dietetic Internship Director. She enjoys training, teaching, and seeing her clients heal and thrive.

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