Perspectives is a professional journal published twice a year by The Renfrew Center Foundation on topics related to eating disorder theory, treatment, research and psychotherapeutic practice.

TOPIC: Is embracing relapse an oxymoron? In contrast to academic studies that examine various aspects
of relapse, such as ‘relapse risks,’ ‘relapse prevention,’ and ‘stages of relapse,’ we decided to focus on
clinicians’ experiences with relapse and how relapse might have a positive impact on recovery.

Here are three enlightening and introspective essays included in this special issue:

Uunraveling the gift of relapse ( deciphering the gift of relapse ) by Rosanna Mauro de Maya, MS, RD, CEDRD-S  

Embracing Relapse: For College Students, Consider it a Gift by Charlynn Small, Ph.D., CEDS

Relapse: A Recovery Paradox by Carolie Meccico, LCSW, MAC, CEDS


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