Wednesday, September 25, 2019 7:00pm/GMT+3

iaedp™ International Chapter Bulgaria presents Управление на интервенции относно родители търсещи помощ за деца и юноши с хранителни разстройства/ Managing interventions for parents seeking help for children and adolescents with eating disorders presented by    iaedp™ International Chapter Chair of Bulgaria Dr. Elisaveta Pavlova

Пациенти с хранителни разстройства, не могат да бъдат в състояние да разберат, че са болни и / или могат да бъдат раздвоени за приемане на лечение. Това е симптом на тяхното заболяване. В допълнение, пациентите могат да свеждат до минимум, осмислят, или скриват симптоми / поведения характерни за хранителните нарушения (ХН). Тяхната убедителна рационалност и компетентност в други сфери на живота могат да ги прикриват от тежестта на тяхното заболяване. Външно решение и подкрепа, от страна на родители или ментори на засегнатия от ХН може да е наложителна-независимо от възрастта.

Таксите за Уебинари не се връщат. Това важи включително за невъзможност да се включите, както сте планирали, или за проблеми поради технически причини. 


“Managing interventions for parents seeking help for children and adolescents with eating disorders”

Patients with eating disorders may not be able to understand that they are ill and / or may be reluctant for treatment. This is a symptom of their disease. In addition, patients can minimize, conceive, or conceal symptoms / behaviors characteristic of eating disorders. Their convincing rationality and competence in other spheres of life may conceal them from the severity of their illness. External decision and support by parents or mentors to the affected of eating disorders may be necessary regardless of age.

Webinar is conducted in Bulgarian language.

Monday 7:00pm GMT+3.00 Bulgaria or 12:00 PM EST/USA

Bio: Dr. Elisaveta Pavlova is with PhD in medical psychology, counseling psychologist, trainer and lecturer with more than 10 years’ experience in the eating disorders (ED) and mental field. She obtained her CEDS designation from iaedp in 2016, and become the first eating disorders certified specialist in Bulgaria.  She is the Founder and President of First Bulgarian Organization for Eating Disorders -Association UNIKAL since 2011, and for UNIKAL Online Institute, since October 2018.

Dr. Elisaveta Pavlova is the first in her country certified as a professional Intuitive Eating Counselor at the International organization of IE-professionals. Since November 2016, she has become the Chair person of iaedp™International Chapter in Bulgaria. In addition, Dr. Elisaveta Pavlova works as a lecturer for educational specialists and as a coordinating trainer for self-created courses for Bulgarian students and specialists in the ED field. Furthermore, she is the pioneer for the Educational Designation Associate iaedp, translated in Bulgarian language, as well as, a professional partner for WHO (World Health Organization) Global Clinical Practice Network.

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