Veganism has become a worldwide trend, with an increased prevalence of plant-based restaurants and food products, an endless stream of resources on social media and devout communities that embrace a vegan lifestyle with religious fervour.   While the ethical and environmental motivations for veganism are legitimate and important, does veganism also give those at risk for anorexia or orthorexia, a socially acceptable excuse to eliminate most food groups and conceal their illness?


In this webinar, the dangers of veganism will be addressed as well as features that distinguish pathology from a ‘healthy’ vegan diet.

Susan Osher is a Certified Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian and nutrition therapist with over 20 years of experience. She completed her MSc in nutrition at the University of Toronto. Susan has worked in some of Canada’s leading eating disorders treatment programs, including Sick Kids and Toronto General Hospital. Throughout her years of practice, she has trained in CBT, FBT, Motivational Interviewing, DBT, HAES, and Intuitive Eating. Using a combination of these modalities, Susan helps her clients find their own ‘food identities’. Presently, Susan is the nutrition co-chair for the Eating Disorders Association of Canada and the Canadian chair of the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals.

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