iaedp™ International Chapter is proud to announce its Professional Webinar Series conducted in Spanish, Italian and Bulgarian presented by International Chapter President Dra. Juana Poulisis, MD, PHD, Chair of Central America Dra. Rosanna Mauro, MSc, RD, CEDRD, Chair of Italy Dr. Anna Scelzo, MBSc(Psy)Hons, Chair of Bulgaria Elisaveta Pavlova,  PhD, CEDS, IE-PRO. Click on link to Register for $15 Professional Webinar.

Tuesday, July 3 – 12:00pm/EST

iaedp™ International Chapter BULGARIAN Webinar: Скрининг при хранителни нарушения-методики и значение/ Screening for eating disorders-methods and significance presented by iaedp™ International Chapter Chair of Bulgaria Dr. Elisaveta Pavlova

Friday, August 10 – 12:00pm/EST

iaedp™ International Chapter SPANISH Webinar: Cómo.implementar las Neurociencias en el tratamiento de los trastornos alimentarios./How to introduce Neurocience in the Eating Disorders treatment.” presented by iaedp™ International Chapter President Dra. Juana Poulisis, MD, PHD

Thursday, September 6 – 12:00pm/EST

iaedp™ International Chapter ITALIAN Webinar: Creando un ponte tra adulti e adolescenti: Un programma di prevenzione che coinvolge Studenti, Insegnanti e Genitori/Bridging the gap between adults and adolescents: A School-Based Eating Disorder Prevention Program involving Students, Teachers and Parents presented by iaedp™ International Chapter Chair of Italy Dr. Anna Scelzo.

Tuesday, October 2 – 12:00pm/EST

iaedp™ International Chapter BULGARIAN Webinar: Мултидисциплинарен екип за управление на процесите при хранителни нарушения/ Multidisciplinary team for process management for eating disorders presented by iaedp™ International Chapter Chair of Bulgaria Dr. Elisaveta Pavlova.

Thursday, October 4 – 12:00pm/EST

iaedp™ International Chapter SPANISH Webinar: Coaching de Salud Integrativa: un aliado para la Terapia Nutricional de los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria/ Integrative Health Coaching: a great ally for Nutrition Therapy in Eating Disorders presented by iaedp™ International Chapter Chair of Central America Dra. Rosanna Mauro de Maya

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