Blanche A. Williams, MS 

Blanche Williams steps into a global position as the new Director of International Development. Williams has loyally served iaedp™ as its Assistant Managing Director for over 10 years. Early on, in October 2008, she was instrumental in launching the International Relations Committee (IRC) choosing Eva Trujillo as its first Chairperson. It was established to  serve our international community by building an international presence and building collaborative efforts with eating disorder professionals worldwide.  10 years later in 2018, in an effort to advance and enhance our efforts, the iaedp™ International Chapter was established with the help of its founding President Rosanna Mauro de Maya, MS, CEDRD-S of Costa Rica.

Blanche received her Masters in Leadership with honors from Nova Southeastern University School of Business with her Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies from University of Maryland University College. Her background includes former National XM Radio Talk Show Host, women and girls advocate, published author, media relations/communications expert. In her spare time her passions include playing the flute and riding motorcycles.

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