Dr. Haica Rosenfeld is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Certified Eating Disorders Specialist and Approved Supervisor (CEDS-S) by the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals (iaedp™). She currently lives in Florida and is licensed to practice as a Psychologist in Vermont, Florida, and Venezuela (her country of origin). She has a private practice and is passionate about advocating for compassionate, and weight-inclusive care for her clients. She offers individual and group psychotherapy for clients and individual and group supervision/consultation for healthcare professionals in both English and Spanish.

Haica has worked for over 14 years in the field of eating disorders, disordered eating and body image healing. Prior to opening her private practice, she worked at a college counseling center, at eating disorders facilities in both the residential and intensive outpatient (IOP) levels of care and at a women’s retreat and outpatient clinic specializing in Binge Eating Disorder. She is passionate about helping people make peace with food and heal their relationship with their body, whether that means overcoming eating disorders, disordered eating, living a life free of chronic dieting, or learning intuitive eating, mindful eating, finding pleasure in movement, body image healing, and practicing a body-liberation approach. She helps individuals explore and advocates for Health At Every Size® and Intuitive Eating principles, mindfulness, self-compassion, and a weight-inclusive and fat-positive approach to wellness.

Haica is a member of several professional organizations. In the past she served as the Fundraising Committee Chair and Vice-president for the iaedp™ Miami Chapter. Currently she serves as part of the Certification Committee for iaedp™. She is the founder of @somoshaes, an Instagram account where Spanish speaking professionals, all around the world, collaborate to educate, promote, and make accessible an anti-diet and Health At Every Size® approach to Spanish speaking communities. You can find Haica online at www.haicarosenfeld.com and at @drhaicarosenfeld in instagram and facebook.

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