In honor of all of our patients and memory of our dear friend

Lynn Grefe, CEO of NEDA

iaedp EXPERTS in the field of EATING DISORDERS have come together weekly to offer free support to all of our clients who are struggling with this forced change in their lives and in their treatment. Morningside Chats in the Living Room is a safe space for anyone to join, listen, comment, be present and as anonymous, as you choose. Each week a different expert in the eating disorder field will engage in casual dialog and offer tips and support. Professionals are sharing their unique perspectives on life, joy, daily struggles, and the rapidly changing environment we all find ourselves in today.

Morningside Chats offers a genuine source of connection and support for both the speakers and participants during this time of isolation. It is a place to connect, share, process, and uncover the silver linings or just hang out. Amazingly, professionals as well as patients are participating as a way to stay connected.

Your patients will be able to maintain their anonymity by signing on as anonymous in their profile or by changing their name on the screen when they sign on to the call. They will not be seen as all videos will be turned off except for those of the hosts.

Participant quotes:

Brilliantly done and incredibly interesting! Dr. Amy Banks neuroscience understandable.” -kl

Really grateful for Jenni Schaefer’s openness about her disorder and recovery.” -pk

Fantastic talk with Dr. Doug Bunnell. As a man I appreciate the exposure that men can have EDs too.” -jo

What a great event this past Saturday, so important and calming. The leaders Carolyn Costin and Sondra Kronberg were so real and compassionate.” -mg

I appreciated Dr. Gaudiani’s compassionate words of wisdom and knowledge!” -mn

As an ED clinician I am“star struck” on this call with Dr. Maine!” -ja

Any questions,please let us know. Thank you for supporting recovery!

PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR PATIENTS and join us if you can!!

Best Regards,
Morningside Chats in the Living Room
Emma Philbin & Emma Glynn
Project Managers

Sondra Kronberg Website

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