Dr. Mark McGrath is a Brisbane GP with a special interest in eating disorders. He’s proud to be the first Australian practitioner to become certified as an eating disorders specialist with iaedp™. He provides medical monitoring and coordination of care of all eating and feeding disorders including addressing weight concerns from a HAES perspective. He particularly values his role in providing psycho-education and engaging newly presenting patients to the appropriate care.

Dr. McGrath has more than 10 years experience as a GP after working in many fields of medicine including achieving a Masters degree in the field of ophthalmology.  He also currently works as an assistant surgeon predominantly in the field of orthopaedics. Dr. McGrath came to work in the eating disorder space serendipitously about 5yrs ago after a local psychologist introducing him to HAES suggested it (and was initially met with resistance!). It now accounts for the majority of his work which he finds it very rewarding.

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