On Saturday, August 10, our iaedp™ International Chapter successfully convened iaedp™’s First Annual Professional Day Training outside of the United States bringing together a collective of professionals at the beautiful Marriott San Jose Escazu Costa Rica. Conducted in Spanish and themed “Multidisciplinary Integrative Treatment of Eating Disorders,” International Chapter President Dr. Rosanna Mauro de Maya, MS, RD, CEDRD-S brought together a team of our best including iaedp™ Board Member Dr. Emmett Bishop, MD, FAED, F.iaedp, CEDS, iaedp™ International Chapter Mexico Chair Dr. Julieta Vélez, PsyD , iaedp™ International Chapter Dominican Republic Co-Chairs Dr. Aridia Vásquez, MD, MS, RD and Dr Zuleiko Morillo de Nieto, MD for an excellent day of training focused on the medical, psychiatric, nutritional and psychological aspects of assessment and treatment of eating disorders.

Special thank you message from International Chapter President Rosanna Mauro de Maya.

On Saturday we had the first International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals (iaedp™) training outside the United States entitled “Integrative Multidisciplinary Treatment of Eating Disorders.” This is the first great event since becoming President of the International Chapter of this great foundation.

A project that 3 years ago I started to imagine and that began taking shape a few months ago, thanks to the invaluable support of Blanche Williams and the board of iaedp™, with special contribution from Dr. Emmett Rucker Bishop.

Thanks to the wonderful teamwork of some of my country Chairs, Dr. Julieta Vélez (Mexico), the Drs. Zuleika Morillo de Nieto and Aridia Vásquez De Santan(Dominican Republic) and Dr. Emmett Rucker Bishop, it was a successful event full of energy, positivism and that made a huge impact in the field.

Thank you to the University of Medical Sciences of Costa Rica, UCIMED, for your support to this event and especially to Dr. Dulce Ma Guzman Acevedo and Dr. Jeannette Zúñiga.

Among our attendees were Medical Doctors, Psychiatrists, Endocrinologists, Pharmacists, Psychologists and Nutritionists from Costa Rica, and many others who traveled from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador to be part of this event.

Eating disorders represents a public health situation that must have more attention and that requires integrated efforts to be prevented and treated early.

As the President of the International Chapter, I am delighted to contribute high level eating disorders training that is evidence-based, compassionate, humane and passionate for health professionals of all disciplines.

And as always, thank you to my husband Federico Maya for always supporting me, helping me and empowering me to be and give the best of me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

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