Meet Karen Beerbower. Karen Beerbower is a licensed registered dietitian and a certified eating disorder dietitian.  Karen holds a Master of Science degree in Medical Science and a pediatric fellowship from the Indiana University School of Medicine. She has worked as a dietitian in numerous medical facilities and as an adjunct professor at the University of Central Florida and the University of Evansville.  Karen is the president of Nutritional Guidance, Inc.  Karen presently serves on the Senior Advisory Council of The International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (iaedp) and is an iaedp Approved Supervisor. Additionally, she serves as our mentor for all international dietitians. She strives to bring her experience and expertise of more than 20 years to others through clinical service and education. A primary focus of her work is on the training of residents and physicians in the treatment of those suffering with eating disorders. Karen directs her professional dedication towards innovative and compassionate leadership in patient care. Karen will be the symposium this month and is looking forward to meeting you!  #mentormondays #mentorspotlight #iadepcomc #iaedp

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