Exploring Emotional Relationships with Food through MEALS: A New Adventure in a Hybrid Journey (MEALS: (c)Tele’Drama, 2023: Meeting Eating And Learning Simultaneously)

Psychodrama Training Hours & Continuing Education: CEs (Pennsylvania, United States)

Date: Wednesday, November 1 & 15, 2023

REGISTER HERE!https://www.teledrama.org/en/events/7/59

Times/Time Zones:

10:00 AM – 01:00 PM Central Time (US & Canada)

11:00 AM – 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

05:00 PM – 08:00 PM Central European Time (CET)


Hybrid: ©Tele’Drama Fusional InterReality

Virtual: Tele’Drama Virtual Center / Zoom Meetings

Physical: 3415 West Chester Pike, Suite 202, Newtown Square, PA 19073, PA, USA


Captions: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, Estonian, Farsi/Persian; Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Norwegian, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Tamil, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese


Both Workshops: Professionals and General public: $170

College students & Retirees: $130

One Workshop:

Professionals and General public: $90

College students & Retirees: $70

Payment, in case of cancellation, will be credited to future workshops.

For Partial Scholarship: zoomroom.international@teledrama.org

Participants receive up to 6 hours for certification through the:

* American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy (ABE)

* International Society of Experiential Therapies (ISEP)

Learning while having a meal can be a productive way to maximize your time, especially if you have a busy schedule; but also, a balanced and enjoyable way to appreciate your food, while exploring your relationships with it, being present in the experience.

Part 1: November 1, 2023:



Desserts spell stressed backward because, at times, cake is more than the last course. The food atom is a sociogram exploring an individual’s emotional relationship with food. Developed to assist in the treatment of eating disorders, this atom can be tailored to deal with other food-related issues or used as a group warm-up. During this group, participants will practice creating Food Atoms on paper and in action. As this workshop will intersect with mealtime internationally, we encourage participants to bring snacks and/or meals so we can explore how eating together in a group or with individual clients can move the food atom exploration to a whole new level.


1. Participants will construct a Food Atom and analyze its contents.

2. Participants will differentiate between eating disorders and emotional eating.

3. Participants will utilize mealtime learning environment for in situ exploration of using food in sessions.

4. Participants will learn how to access the embodied emotions behind eating disorders and utilize Psychodramatic and sociodramatic exercises to help clients to process the emotions that drive their eating disorders.

Part 2: November 15, 2023:



Families and patients often struggle to see that eating disorders are not about the weight or food. This sociodramatic technique was developed to use in large multifamily groups to help educate and give the families the emotional experience of an eating disorder and create a strategy for recovery from within. The sociodrama itself uses some body resistance to concretize the body struggle and we will be practicing together how to recreate a very physicalized sociodrama into the hybrid space. As this workshop will intersect with mealtime internationally, we encourage participants to bring snacks and/or meals so we can explore how eating together in groups or with individual clients can create a whole new level of body image exploration.


1. Participants will learn how to access the embodied emotions behind eating disorders and utilize psychodramatic and sociodramatic exercises to help clients to process the emotions that drive their eating disorders.

2. Participants will explain the importance of familial role reversal with the patient to stop the rescue pattern and help the client heal themselves.

3. Participants will be able to apply ‘fat’ and healing circles for working with body image issues.

4. Participants will utilize mealtime learning environment for in situ exploration of using food in sessions.


Continuing education for social workers, marriage and family therapists and professional counselors, as well as psychologists –

Pennsylvania, United States.

Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy (Lic. #004115) is approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors to offer continuing education for social workers, marriage and family therapists and professional counselors. Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy (Lic. # PSY000215) is approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology to offer continuing education for psychologists. Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy maintains responsibility for the program.


Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP is international trainer & supervisor, the creator of the Tele’Drama method and the founder and director of the International Tele’Drama Institute which has already welcomed thousands of people, from 82 countries. Dr. Simmons is the 2022 ASGPP recipient of the Innovator’s Award for the creation of Tele’Drama. She is the current President of the American Society in Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (ASGPP). Daniela Simmons’, professional experience, both in Europe and the US, is in educational, research, and consultancy work in the social sciences and mental health. She received training on the psychoanalysis of group relations in organizations at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, headquartered in London. She has been utilizing action methods sessions since 1995 in Europe and since 2005 in the US.

Colleen Baratka, MA TEP is a Fellow of the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama and recipient of the Hannah Weiner Award and the Collaborator’s Award. Beginning her career as a Special Education teacher which led to her use of creative arts to teach special needs and disenfranchised children, Colleen graduated from NYU’s Drama Therapy program and has been in clinical practice for over 30 years. Her clinical work began in addiction and family prevention, and later she had the opportunity to create a hospital wide psychodrama program at the Belmont Center in Philadelphia, PA, treating all populations. This led to the development of trauma groups and being on the development team of the Belmont Center’s Eating Disorders Unit. She was later recruited to develop and lead the Trauma Program at Renfrew Center for Eating Disorders in Philadelphia. While there she became the psychodrama trainer for the Caron Foundation’s Family Education Program. And would later integrate this work into her Renfrew experience running Multiple Family Groups for 8 (eight) years. Ms. Baratka is a published on the topics of trauma and eating disorders and is currently in private practice where she specializes in eating disorders, trauma, and related issues. She works with individuals, families, and groups, and has guest lectured at many local universities, organizations, and treatment centers. Most recently Colleen has begun study into traumatic brain injuries and trauma, and the role spontaneity plays in recovery and has trained on the topic internationally through Tele’Drama.

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