The iaedp™ African-American Eating Disorders Professionals (AAEDP) Committee was established in June 2016 by founding co-chairs Emeritus Charlynn Small PhD, CEDS-S and Mazella Fuller, PhD, MSW, LCSW, CEDS-S with the mission of identifying, attracting, and engaging African-American, Black, Indigenous, People of Color Eating Disorders Professionals.
AAEDP is committed to providing training and conducting research focused on the unique societal challenges impacting eating behavior and African-Americans, and the barriers to their professional advancement in the field.
Since African-Americans are representative in various groups, the AAEDP Committee proudly modeled inclusivity with the establishment of the Subcommittee Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC). In so doing, we recognize the complex cumulative challenges of racism, sexism and classism and how they combine, overlap and/or intersect.
2024 welcomes incoming committee co-chairs. Sabrina Richardson, LMFT, CEDS and Cristina Rivera, MS, RD, CSSD, CDN, CEDS-C leading BIPOC. AAEDP-BIPOC leadership will strive to increase the awareness of our community and positively impact iaedp™ and the Eating Disorders field.
iaedp™ members can join our monthly Culturally Competent Conversations Peer Consultation every 3rd Tuesday on Zoom. Sign-up by sending an email with your member ID# to
Every Annual Symposium, iaedp™ requests applications for AAEDP-BIPOC financial aid, given to 10 eligible applicants who are clinicians, researchers, or students who have demonstrated a commitment to treatment, education, prevention, research, or advocacy of eating disorders in BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) community.
For more information about joining our Committee, donating to our fund or sharing resources, contact our coordinator,
Join the Dialogue February 18, 2025 * The Topic: Examining the use of BMI as a determinant of health
Join the Dialogue January 21, 2025 * The Topic: Men, Boys and Bulimia
New Member Orientation – 2nd Mondays
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