The iaedp™ AAEDP-BIPOC Committees are proud to announce a new annual scholarship for ten(10) eligible individuals to attend the iaedp™ 2021 Symposium.

Eligibility for Scholarship Candidates

  • A clinician, researcher or student who has five years or less experience working within the field of eating disorders


  • Is a first-time attendee to the iaedpSymposium.


  • Has demonstrated commitment to treatment, education, prevention, research, and/or advocacy of eating disorders in BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities.

Application Process

  • A current CV/resume.
  • We would greatly appreciate your thoughtful responses to the following questions:
    • Please discuss your identities, including relevant details about power and privilege. Discuss how your background, experiences and identities inform your clinical practice or research, and how these factors come to bear on your treatment of or research on eating disorders within BIPOC populations (300-600 words)
    • Please discuss how attending the Symposium will enhance your development as a professional in the field and how you see yourself contributing to our knowledge about eating disorders in BIPOC populations (300-600 words)
    • Send Scholarship submissions to
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