Anastasia Nevin MS, RDN, CEDRD-S, RYT is a Certified Eating Disorders Registered Dietitian, Nutrition Therapist and Yoga Instructor who specializes in the relationship between body, food, and eating.  Anastasia’s approach is rooted in a non-diet, Health At Every Size® (HAES®), holistic understanding of recovery which incorporates body awareness, mindfulness and movement. She helps clients learn how to nourish themselves physically and spiritually.

Anastasia graduated from Stanford University with Honors in Psychology.  She went on to complete her Masters in Nutrition Education at Teacher’s College, Columbia University, and worked in both outpatient and eating disorder treatment program settings in NYC. Prior to opening her private practice, Anastasia was the Lead Nutritionist and Yoga Therapist at Monte Nido’s EDTNY (Eating Disorder Treatment of New York).

Anastasia offers nutrition counseling, yoga therapy and integrative healing workshops. She uses her warmth as well as her own recovery from an eating disorder to lovingly challenge, support and empower clients to heal their own relationship to food.  Anastasia received her yoga training at her beloved home studio Laughing Lotus, where she taught dynamic vinyasa flow classes for ten years.  Anastasia has also received additional yoga training in Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, Ayurveda (India’s holistic medicine system), Restorative Yoga, and Somatic Experiencing Trauma Therapy, and incorporates these mind-body healing practices into an trauma informed, integrative, therapeutic treatment philosophy.

Anastasia is the founder of Anastasia Health, and she is actively engaged with iaedp™ New York Chapter (International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals), IFEDD (International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians), The Academy for Eating Disorders, Dietitians in Integrative & Functional Medicine and the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics (AND).   She has contributed to the website Recovery Warriors and wellness site Sonima.  A California native, Anastasia continues to feel in love with the vibrancy of New York City, where she has lived now for twelve years. Anastasia resides in Queens with her husband and toddler.

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