Dallas Morning News Excerpt:

“Fat shaming fuels all eating disorders. I hear the same stories from patients with anorexia and binge eating. Eating disorders are the deadliest mental illnesses; 5% to 6% of individuals with eating disorders, or one in 20, die.”

You can read the full Dallas Morning News article, “Fat shaming doesn’t need to make a comeback. Research shows fat shaming causes harm and doesn’t solve obesity.”  by Annetta Ramsey by clicking HERE. 

Bio: Annetta Ramsay is a nationally certified and licensed professional counselor – supervisor, and an internationally certified eating disorders specialist (CEDS). She has specialized in the treatment of all eating disorders for women and men ages 14 and up since 1985. She speaks and teaches on topics related to eating disorders. Dr. Ramsay is an OpEd Thought Voices Fellow who has published over 50 opinion journalism articles, many on the topic of eating disorders. She directs Chrysalis, a group treatment program for eating disorders in Denton, Texas.

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